If you're working at a company that tries to save money by running LVS instead of dedicated load balancer appliances, you need to fetch your own monitoring data. No easy MIBs to read. The main LVS page basically says "use scripts" or "write a program using our library" which is fine and all. But there are a lot of people who need this stuff fast. So here it is. Here's how to grab the current input rate counters from LVS:
/usr/bin/tail -1 /proc/net/ip_vs_stats | /usr/bin/awk '{print strtonum("0x"$1), strtonum("0x"$2), strtonum("0x"$4)}' That command will spit out connections per second, packets in per second, and bytes in per second. The output stats are mostly useless if you run in direct return mode (as I assume most are). If you really need them: /usr/bin/tail -1 /proc/net/ip_vs_stats | /usr/bin/awk '{print strtonum("0x"$3), strtonum("0x"$5)}' We run this every minute through a cron entry and pipe the output to a file. The file is read via HTTP through a dedicated nginx instance that handles all of our internal profiling/stats data. OpenNMS does a regex match on it and then graphs the data. Done and done. The command will return errors if LVS isn't running, so you might want to make sure it's actually running.
Soichi Hayashi
11/13/2012 05:30:39 am
> If you're working at a company that tries to save money by running LVS instead of dedicated load balancer appliances, Comments are closed.
AuthorA NOLA native just trying to get by. I live in San Francisco and work as a digital plumber for the joint that runs this thing. (Square/Weebly) Thoughts are mine, not my company's. Archives
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